Breeder Vs Rescue

Breeder Vs Rescue: What’s Better for Dog Adoption?

There are mainly two ways of getting a dog, you can either buy a stray or given dog that has been rescued and put up for adoption or you can buy one from a breeder.

Here, in this blogpost, we have compared both dog rescue, and getting it from a breeder, so, you can better judge what’s better and why we advocate getting a rescued dog.

What is a Rescued Dog?

A rescued dog as the name suggests is a dog that has been rescued, either it was abandoned and rescued by the dog rescue, or the owner had given it up.

Simply, a rescue dog is rescued by volunteers or a rescue centre. After that, it is fostered by the rescue centre or the volunteers associated with the dog shelter.

What is a Breeder Dog?

Breeder dogs are dogs that are specifically bred by a person or organization for selling, usually by a kennel. Breeders have a bunch of dogs and choose the specific dogs to produce offspring with specific qualities in them.

Breeder dogs have personalized traits, they have the breed history (pedigree), and usually, the dogs are trained for basic obedience commands.

Difference Between Rescue & Breeder Dog

Now, coming to the main point, what’s the difference between a rescued dog, and a breeder dog?

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Well, there are a handful of differences between a rescued dog and a breeder dog. Below, we have provided you differences between rescue, and breeder dogs in all the key differences. Also, we have provided you with the advantages and disadvantages of both of these dog types.

DifferenceRescued DogBreeder Dog
Dog AgeWhen it comes to choosing the dog of right age at a rescue centre, it can become harder, as the rescue centre cannot get dogs of specific age, especially younger dogs.Choosing a dog with a specific age is easier with the breeders, as they have plenty of dogs of varying ages.
Dog BloodlineMostly, you do not know the bloodline of a dog when you are getting it from a rescue centre.Breeders have the complete pedigree of the dog and know the complete bloodline of the breed.
Adopting a dog from a rescue centre is cheaper than adopting it from a breeder. You generally have to pay in the range of 200-600 GBP for a dog.
The price to adopt a dog from a breeder varies greatly and depends upon the breeder. Usually, you need to pay 500-2500GBP to adopt a dog from a breeder.
TrainingRescue centres ensure that the dogs they have are properly trained when they get it. So, in the majority of the cases, the dogs will be trained for basic obedience.Whether the dog is properly trained or not depends upon the breeder. Some breeders train the dogs while others don’t.
BehaviourThe rescued dogs may have been through some sort of trauma, or abuse, which makes the behaviors of rescued dogs very unpredictable.The breeder dogs are bred in ideal conditions, which means most of the dogs will behave normally, and you don’t have to worry about any trauma issues either.
AvailabilityThe availability of dogs is a serious issue when it comes to the rescue, as there is a very short availability of dogs, and it mostly varies from rescue to rescue.Mostly, the dogs are readily available with the breeders, and you don’t have to be on the waiting list in case of the breeders.

Advantages of Adopting From a Breeder

Getting a dog from a breeder comes with its set of advantages like the dogs being readily available, vaccinated, etc. Below, we have discussed the advantages of getting a dog from a breeder in complete detail. so, you can choose whether to adopt from a breeder or not.

  • The first benefit of choosing a breeder is that the dogs are readily available, and you don’t have to wait in the queue to get a dog.
  • You have the complete choice of dog age, as mostly the breed-specific breeders have plenty of choices on board, allowing you to pick the dog of your choice.
  • The dogs from a breeder are fully vaccinated and fit.
  • Likewise, when you are getting a dog from a breeder, its behaviour will be fully natural.
  • A good-quality breeder will give you puppies that will be free from all kinds of genetic diseases, which will ensure that you do not have any financial burden in the long run.
  • When you are getting a dog from a breeder, the breeder will provide you with a pedigree, which tells the complete bloodline of the dog.
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Disadvantages of Adopting From a Breeder

  • It is very expensive to adopt a dog from a breeder, and the cost of the dog adoption depends upon the breeder.
  • The majority of breeders don’t pay heed to the dog conditions and are here to make a profit.
  • Since the breeders breed the dogs for profit, and they breed extensively and sell to anybody, most of the dogs are abandoned, thus we discourage buying from a breeder.

Advantages of Adopting Dog From a Rescue Centre

Adopting a dog from a rescue centre or animal shelter has numerous advantages. Some of these advantages are monetary, while others are for the betterment of the dog breed. Below, we have provided all the advantages of choosing a rescue centre to get your next dog.

  • The number one benefit of choosing a rescue centre for getting a dog is that you provide the dog with a second chance. This dog will get a second home, and you will get a loving fury buddy for your entire life.
  • The adoption cost of a rescued dog is much lower than that of a breeder. You can get 4 dogs at the price of one when you compare it.
  • Most dog rescues are properly vaccinated, neutered, and properly trained, so, you do not need to spend big bucks on vaccination or training.

Disadvantages of Adopting a Dog From a Rescue Centre

Just like everything else, there are pros, as well as cons to getting dogs from rescue centres. However, when you compare the pros and cons, they are very few.

  • There can be a waiting time when you are getting a dog from a rescue centre.
  • Animal shelter representatives can make several visits, and ask you different questions before they can approve the dog to you.
  • You do not have a bloodline or other health-related history when you choose adoption from a rescue centre.
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What’s Better?

Whether you should adopt a dog from a rescue centre or a breeder totally depends upon you, as both of these come with their own pros and cons. However, we endorse getting a dog from a rescue centre, as it not only saves you money but also, provides a second chance to the dog.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Should I Adopt a Dog From a Rescue or a Breeder?

The adoption from both the rescue centre and the breeder comes with its pros and cons. However, we recommend getting a dog from a dog rescue centre, as it provides a second life to the rescued dog.

Can We Choose the Dog Age in a Rescue Centre?

Well, if there is a dog available within your age bracket, then you can choose, otherwise it’s not possible.

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